Best Practice Guidelines | Te Anga Whaitake

A new tool to support volunteer engagement

Volunteers | tūao give their unpaid time and skills to communities and causes they believe in. This volunteering action needs to be nurtured and enabled. Our guidelines are based on what volunteers need and offers easy steps for you to meet their needs. Seven practice areas, based on the volunteering life cycle journey have been identified.

Practice area 1

Recruit and engage volunteers

Practice area 2

Welcome and onboard volunteers

Practice area 3

Volunteer support, leadership and management

Practice area 4

Train and grow volunteers

Practice area 5

Feedback and recognition

Practice area 6

Celebrate volunteer impact

Practice area 7

Exit volunteers

How do we use the guidelines?

Each practice area includes key principles, describes what good volunteer practice looks like and what volunteers need. Identify the practice area you need support with now,  reflect on “what good looks like”, and work your way through the resources for each practice area. Be sure to share with your team!

Who can use the guidelines?

Anyone! The guidelines have been designed with small to medium-sized community organisations in mind. However anyone can use them. The seven practice areas apply to all organisations that work with volunteers.

  • Organisations
    By organisations to identify areas of strength and areas for development

  • Volunteer Managers
    By volunteer managers, leaders, and co-ordinators

  • Volunteers
    By volunteers to know what good practice looks like

  • Advisors
    By those providing support and advice to boards on strategic volunteer issues

  • Funders & Donors
    By funders and donors interested in the volunteer centric capability of those they support

How were they developed?

The guidelines were developed by Volunteering New Zealand | Tūao Aotearoa in collaboration with the community sector. They draw on the experience and wisdom of volunteers and sector leaders across Aotearoa New Zealand. Over 400 people contributed to the creation of these guidelines.