State of Volunteering report 2024 –
5 November 2024
In this webinar Volunteering New Zealand research director Dr Johann Go discusses highlights of the State of Volunteering Report 2024.
Volunteering in New Zealand’s Regions – 23 November 2023
Volunteering in Aotearoa New Zealand remains strong, yet the volunteering experience can differ across regions. In this webinar Volunteering New Zealand research director Johann Go unpacks new insights into regional differences and challenges as outlined in the State of Volunteering Regional Report.
Recognition of Volunteers – 27 April
Volunteer managers from six organisations share their practices for recognising and rewarding volunteers.
Deep Dive into the State of Volunteering Report 2022 – 24 March
In this session we heard from Research Director, and SOV 2022 report writer Johann Go on key insights from the ‘State of Volunteering in Aotearoa New Zealand 2022 Report’.
Volunteer Management Systems 2 March 2023
Hear from a panel of volunteer-involving organisations and their experiences of Volunteer Management Systems. Panel members include: Gail Marshall, co-founder Community Comms Collective; Carey Buck, volunteer coordinator for IHC Friendships Programme Wellington and Hutt Valley; and Jo Guest, contract event volunteer coordinator, Wanaka. Facilitator: Heidi Quinn, Volunteer Management Lead, Volunteering New Zealand.

The world of volunteering is constantly evolving and as a leader of volunteering in New Zealand VNZ is taking up the challenge to facilitate and distribute new research, ideas and more on the world of volunteering.
We have delivered a range of online learning events delivering a mixture of presentation and conversation style information. Our guest presenters are leading national and international speakers, exploring topics on volunteering to help you better lead, manage and develop your volunteer workforce.
International Volunteer Managers Day – Reflections and research
Volunteering New Zealand presented key themes from the State of Volunteering 2020, and the 2021 Wellbeing Hauora sector report on the impact of Covid on volunteering. Also included a very brief sneak preview of the State of Volunteering research 2022. Delivered November 2022.
Recognising and celebrating the contribution of Pacific peoples
Dr Halahingano Rohorua, from the Ministry of Pacific People, shares key insights from The Pacific Economy Research Report on Unpaid Work and Volunteering in Aotearoa.
Delivered June 2022.
Youth participation in governance volunteering panel discussion
What are we seeing, what is working? Rose Hiha-Agnew (Community Governance New Zealand) facilitated a panel discussion with Michelle Huang, Donald McIntosh and Dante Dawes.
Skills from volunteering and job hiring process
Kat Hudson, from Seek Volunteer talks about how skills from volunteering are valued by hiring managers and can help with your career journey.
Let’s Talk about Volunteering and Youth
Reflections from young leaders working in the voluntary sector about the future of volunteering and youth, facilitated by Tania Jones. Panellists are: Teana MacDonald, Joanna Li, Chantelle Coby and Matthew Goldsworthy.
Volunteering to Learn
To mark Student Volunteer Week, our first speaker Professor Kirsten Holmes of Curtin University explores the Volunteering to Learn study . This was the first study to examine all stakeholder perspectives involved in university student volunteering: students, universities, program managers, host organisations and voluntary sector peak bodies.
The power of volunteering – Transformation opportunities
Penny Harrison, Director of Volunteering at Australian Red Cross presents two case studies she is involved in:
- using technology to test new ways for people to volunteer
- opportunities to transform corporate volunteering
Volunteering Statistics in NZ – Turning data into powerful information
Scott Ussher, Manager of Income and Poverty at Stats NZ presents on the various volunteering statistics Stats NZ collects, including the TUS, HLFS, NPISA, Census, GSS etc. What all these acronyms mean for volunteering in NZ, now and into the future.
Assessing the impact of volunteering in your organisation
Stuart Garland, Training & Programmes Manager at Volunteer Ireland presents on volunteer impact assessment and volunteer strategy.
Do our volunteers make a difference?
Kylee Bates, Chief Executive Officer at Ardoch and President of IAVE, joins us for our webinar “Do our volunteers make a difference?”
Supporting volunteers in times of grief or trauma
Lila O’Farrell, Senior Specialist Therapist, Mindfulness Educator & Interfaith Chaplain, shares best practice and practical techniques to help you support your volunteers who deal with crisis and trauma. While this webinar was designed with the organisations and volunteer managers responding and supporting victims and their families in mind, in the wake of the Christchurch terrorist attacks, this will also be very relevant for those of you whose works deals with other forms of trauma.
Engaging Young Volunteers: Stories, Lessons, and Insights
In this webinar, Johann Go – award-winning youth volunteer, VNZ Programme Advisor and Oxford Rhodes Scholar – shares some stories, lessons and insights about engaging young volunteers. Drawing on his experiences in youth volunteering in New Zealand and the United Kingdom, the interactive webinar explores how organisations can effectively recruit, retain and recognise young volunteers.
NZSAR volunteering findings
Find out about the state of volunteering in search and rescue in NZ and the broader implications across the sector.
Empower volunteers, expand impact
Helga Wientjes and Moana Uerata-Jennings from Cancer Society of New Zealand share what can be achieved if your organisation adopts a volunteer-led staff supported culture.