Recognition & Retention

Kickstarting a new volunteer revolution

Royal Voluntary Service, 2019.

This report sets out to understand more about why people decide to volunteer for the first time, or after a significant break – their motivations, routes in, ambitions, benefits and challenges, the support they receive (or don’t) and what more could be done to encourage others like them to get involved. It is focused on formal volunteering, broadly defined as giving unpaid help to any group, club or organisation.

Welcome to the team: What to expect when someone in your family volunteers with us

Tweed Valley Mountain Rescue, 2019.

This resource is for the family members of volunteers in Tweed Valley MRT and is based heavily on an equivalent version created by Fire and Emergency New Zealand (FENZ) following a research study they commissioned in 2017. 

Recognizing Volunteering.

Volunteer Canada, 2017.

Volunteer Canada and Investors Group have been working together for the past 15 years to gain insights and to develop tools that support and recognise the full spectrum of volunteer engagement in Canada. This report provides insights into challenges and suggested next steps for overcoming them.

Volunteer Recognition Study

Volunteer Canada, 2013.

Volunteer Canada researched how Canadians want to be recognised for their volunteer contributions. This report looks at how organisations currently recognise their volunteers and offers best practice options for volunteer recognition.

Finding and Keeping Volunteers

SPARC Sport & Recreation New Zealand, 2006.

The purpose of this document is to provide information, from research, that supports and encourages sport and recreation organisations to develop better volunteer management practices in order to provide quality volunteering experiences and ultimately encourage more New Zealanders to step forward and volunteer.